Ta nästa steg i att optimera din verksamhet inom försäljning, B2B eller B2C e-handel, logistik och leverans. Core-suite erbjuder fem omfattande produkter, som alla är sammankopplade för en sömlös upplevelse. Hitta de olika prisnivåerna nedan.
Core-commerce paket
Core-commerce finns tillgängligt i 4 paket. Vart och ett av paketen passar en tillväxtfas i din organisation. Börja med Basic, så växer vi med dig till Enterprise! Med Core-commerce gör du din webbshop så effektiv som möjligt.

The complete D2C e-commerce platform.

Upgrade your conversion with
smart technology.

The powerful next level
In which you decide everything.

Clad the top of the market
with your outstanding platform.
€ 799,- p/m
€ 2.399,- p/m
€ 5.499,- p/m
€ 7.599,- p/m
- Give your shop a flying start with our SaaS Commerce platfom with a time-to-market of one day and get started right away with your user-friendly shop.
Everything in Core-commerce Basic, plus:
- Facilitate all customer journeys with Tweakwise’s smart search and filtering features.
- Link Core-commerce seamlessly to your business systems.
Everything in Core-commerce Standard, plus:
- Fully customise your shop to your corporate identity to stand out.
- Lightning-fast development through our PaaS environment and comprehensive support and development services.
- Take advantage of Tweakwise’s comprehensive recommendations and increase your order value.
Everything in Core-commerce Premium, plus:
- Innovate at an unprecedented pace with the scalable and powerful features for advanced e commerce.
- Take advantage of the most extensive customisation options.
- Be ready for now and the future with a flexible platform and keep growing.
- Use all Tweakwise’s features to create an unforgettable, personalised experience for every visitor.

The complete D2C e-commerce platform.
€ 799,- p/m
- Give your shop a flying start with our SaaS Commerce platfom with a time-to-market of one day and get started right away with your user-friendly shop.

Upgrade your conversion with
smart technology.
€ 2.399,- p/m
Everything in Core-commerce Basic, plus:
- Facilitate all customer journeys with Tweakwise’s smart search and filtering features.
- Link Core-commerce seamlessly to your business systems.

The powerful next level
In which you decide everything.
€ 5.499,- p/m
Everything in Core-commerce Standard, plus:
- Fully customise your shop to your corporate identity to stand out.
- Lightning-fast development through our PaaS environment and comprehensive support and development services.
- Take advantage of Tweakwise’s comprehensive recommendations and increase your order value.

Clad the top of the market
with your outstanding platform.
€ 7.599,- p/m
Everything in Core-commerce Premium, plus:
- Innovate at an unprecedented pace with the scalable and powerful features for advanced e commerce.
- Take advantage of the most extensive customisation options.
- Be ready for now and the future with a flexible platform and keep growing.
- Use all Tweakwise’s features to create an unforgettable, personalised experience for every visitor.
- ©2024 Core-suite