
High performance sales app.
Download the perfect sales app for iOS and Android and start saving time! Easily register new customers, add items to an order and let your customers sign the order immediately.

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Effective in any industry.

Core-sales works perfectly for any industry, whether that’s home deco, fashion, food or toys. Thanks to the flexibility of the app, you can adjust it completely to your liking with a matrix for colors and sizes and other styling options.

Perfect for trade shows.

If you sell at trade shows, Core-sales is the perfect solution! Scan a visitor’s business card, scan or select an item, and immediately register an order with the new customer. It couldn’t be any easier!

Show your products in lookbooks.

Link products to atmospheric images in lookbooks to showcase them in attractive combinations. Easily move from image to image to view items for a professional impression during your sales process, and then order in a few clicks.

On- and offline modus.

Register customers, create and save orders, and effortlessly navigate through customer lists and product catalogs, all accessible in both online and offline modes

The Sales App.

With this mobile sales application you can browse your catalog, register new customers, add items to an order and let customers sign directly at an iPad or Android device. Easy and time saving. Discover the app for free now!

ERP powered
e-commerce experience.

Core-suite’s design enables you to connect with any ERP or other business software. Besides being able to link with any system, Core-suite’s products are all connected via the Optimizers Platform, ensuring maximum effectivity in all processes.

Other products.



Core-commerce is a super fast, reliable, international, and fully scalable SaaS e-commerce platform with maximum flexibility.


Core-portal offers a complete online sales tool for your B2B e-commerce with effective features for you and your customers.