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Fashion-specific features.
Core-portal offers very extensive fashion functionalities and connects seamlessly with your processes, such as pre-sales and stock sale catalogs, never-out-of-stock, lookbooks, self-service for representatives and customers, an extensive returns module and a digital asset manager where B2B customers can download their own photos.

Seamless integration with all systems.
Your ERP can be easily integrated with Core-portal. In addition to easy integration, Core-portal is easily connected to our sales app and PIM. This puts all your vital processes in the same place and eliminates the need for different systems working independently of each other.

Self-service for your documents.
With Core-portal, customers and agents can view deliveries, order history, order status, stocks, payment agreements, quotes and invoices and download images with just a few clicks. Need any more assistance? We’re still there to help you.

Control over your pricing.

ERP powered
e-commerce experience.
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