The right sales tools for home deco.
Selling in the home deco market has its own unique challenges. We understand the needs of shops for furniture, accessories and tableware. Actual stock levels, dropshipping in your catalog and of course shop-the-look functionalities. We have the right tool for you to manage sales.
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Manage stock your way.
In the world of home deco, stock levels are one of the most important things for shops to manage. Not only your own stock, but dropshipping too. Core-portal offers the possibilities to fully take control of sales, stocking and shipping with your specific needs.

Effective selling.
Showcasing, selling and ordering products at fairs is a must-have functionality for home deco shops. Core-sales offers a versatile sales app that lets agents sell current and future stock on-the-go, with or without an internet connection. All the possibilities, right in the palm of your hand.

Offer a stylish experience.
End customers in home deco are all about the style of their home, just like you are! Give your B2B customers a convenient way to supplement their current product range by showcasing product sets in one picture, and letting them order the whole look in a few clicks.

Core-suite is at home in all markets.
While these features were made with home deco shops in mind, what’s stopping other shops with multidimensional products from making smart use of these features? Think fashion, outdoor, food, animals! These features are empower your shop to the maximum level.

ERP powered
e-commerce experience.
Core-suite’s design enables you to connect with any ERP or other business software. Besides being able to link with any system, Core-suite’s products are all connected via the Optimizers Platform, ensuring maximum effectivity in all processes.
Our products.

Download the perfect sales app for iOS and Android and start saving time with online and offline sales.

Core-commerce is a super fast, reliable, international, and fully scalable SaaS e-commerce platform with maximum flexibility.

Core-portal offers a complete online sales tool for your B2B e-commerce with effective features for you and your customers.
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